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  • Proč bych si měl/a nechat pohlídat kočku?
    Ať už jedete na dovolenou, služební cestu, prodloužený víkend či k přátelům na chatu, kočičku můžete nechat tam, kde jí je nejlépe - doma. Kočky jsou narozdíl od psů fixované na místo, proto může takové cestování, přivodit kočičce i pěknou dávku stresu, který se může nehezky projevit i na následném soužití (močení mimo záchůdek, fyzické problémy, agresi atp.).
  • Jak vím, že bude moje kočička v dobrých rukou?
    Kočičí chůvy vybíráme pomocí vícekolového přijímacího řízení. To znamená, že se do týmu dostanou jen ti nejzkušenější, nejzapálenější, nejsvědomitější a mnohdy i vystudovaní z oblasti veteriny. Samozřejmostí je bezúhonnost. LazyFriday catio má navázáno spousty externích spoluprací v oblastech, díky kterým se zaměstnanci dále vzdělávají a zlepšují své schopnosti a dovednosti. Kočíčí chůvy jsou navíc v kontaktu s veterinářem, který jim pomocí školení předává své znalosti a potřebné informace. V případě potřeby, se mohou na odborníka obracet s jakýmkoliv dotazem, kdykoliv. S danou Kočičí chůvou se navíc setkáte osobně na úvodní schůzce, a tak si můžete udělat názor. Pokud by se vám Kočíčí chůva nepozdávala, máte možnost požádat o někoho jiného.
  • How does babysitting work?
    The babysitting tariff includes feeding the cat, cleaning the mood, cleaning any household accidents, caressing, playing and administering medication.
  • How are the introductory and closing meeting?
    Before babysitting, you will meet the Cat Nanny at your home on the day and time you booked the introductory meeting. You will hand over the keys, sign the Babysitting Agreement and get to know the cat. So you will be able to see for yourself that not only you and the Cat Nanny sat down, but especially the Cat Nanny with your pet. With the Cat Nanny, you will tell us all the information about the pet and you will mention the various whims that could attack the pet during the babysitting, you will record it on the Roza platform and the babysitting can begin. Now you can only use the Roza platform to monitor what is happening at your babysitting home and how the cat is doing. In the "Diary" of your pet, you can see reports from each visit, which contain photos, text and video. At the final meeting, you will return the keys, talk about the course of babysitting and how your cat enjoyed the company of Cat Nannies. If you are not at the closing meeting, Cat Nanny can leave the keys at home (and just slam the door) or put them in the mailbox. This fact will also be recorded in the platform.
  • What cats do you care about?
    Small, large, hairy and hairless. We love all cats of all breeds and origins. We will deal with a stubborn and handicapped cat. We have a professionally trained and experienced team for all types. Please do not conceal anything about the nature and health of the cat. This will prevent any inconvenience and give us the opportunity to provide the pet with adequate care.
  • Will the same Cat Nanny watch my cat all the time?
    Yes, we are working to promote this model. The pet can thus get used to regularity and also to the same person. In exceptional situations (illness, etc.), however, we must choose an alternative and babysitting will be taken over by another Cat Nanny. However, we will notify you immediately.
  • My cat has specific habits and needs, can you fill them? "
    All Cat Nanny are also long-term owners of cats, dogs and other pets, so they already know some of that cat whims. So they are able to deal with virtually anything that His Cat Majesty thinks of. In addition, if you point out the cat's babysitter at the introductory meeting and at the same time fill them in the profile on the Roza platform, she will definitely manage them.
  • My cat is (chronically) ill or has health problems, can you take care of her? "
    Yes, we can. We have Cat Nannies in our team, who have education and experience in caring for more demanding cats. Let us know this fact in advance (when ordering) and we will assign you one of these Cat Nannies. Don't forget to discuss this topic in detail during the introductory meeting, so that the Cat Nanny knows what to expect and we are as well prepared as possible. You will not be charged for this special care.
  • What if my cat gets sick while babysitting?
    Our Cat nannies are ready for such a situation. They will use the contact of your veterinarian and, if it is not available, they will use the services of our contracted veterinarian, who is always available. Cat nannies will arrange a visit to your cat for a vet, accompany her, spend the entire time of the examination with her, arrange prescribed medicines, etc. Of course, we will inform you about the entire course.
  • Can Cattle Nanny Handle Crisis Situations?
    We carefully choose who will take care of your hair. Our Cat nannies are experienced cats, often veterinarians, who can handle any situation that might arise with a cat. We also rely on regular trainings and workshops on the topics of crisis situations, first aid and more.

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Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun: 10:00 - 14:00


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tel: +420 775 898 888
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+420 775 898 888

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MON-FRI: 10:00 - 18:00
SAT-SUN: 10:00 - 14:00


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